03 Jun

You have taken the biggest life-changing decision of your life by starting a new business. Although it may seem like a daunting process, the excitement, entrepreneurial spirit and hard work will set you up for the rest of your life. At this stage, your brain is working day in and day out to bring up new plans and ideas. All you want to do is hit the ground running and make your dreams come true. With this level of enthusiasm, it is rather easy to overlook tiny details and lose the importance of certain things. One of the best investments you can do for your new business to run as expected is to start by looking up “business formation attorney near me”. What they can do is spot potential legal issues before they turn into massive problems.

In this we will look at a few vital reasons why you need to hire a business attorney for your start-up:

Decisions to take during the idea stage

Even before you start your business, there are many important calls to take that will impact the day-to-day operations. This could be something as simple as the company’s name availability, marketing tagline, and business location. These are some basic examples of questions that need addressing well before stepping into the office. The decision-making process can get easier with the help of the Business Formation Lawyer.

Start-up business protocols and legal requirements

Yet another key thing to decide is the type of business entity formation you wish to initiate. There are several reasons why this is essential. One of them is getting registered with the State of California’s Office of the Secretary of State. All the businesses have to obtain a license from their respective municipalities wherein they can carry out their operation. Besides, you also need to issue a public notice stating an intention to start a business entity. This can be done in a local newspaper for four weeks. This needs to be done in the right fashion or it can cause legal issues. This is another reason why we urge you to hire a business formation attorney.

Banking queries

Starting a new business means opening one or more bank accounts. Applying for credits in the form of credit cards is another requirement. For your sanity to be maintained, keep your personal and business finances separate. Mixing them up can create problems during taxation. The business formation lawyer can help you choose the right bank and bank account types to let focus on your core mission.

Tax queries

In one way or another, your start-up business will be taxed. Hence, to keep you in compliance with the local, state and federal tax codes, your business needs an attorney to keep you from facing double taxes. Questions relating to taxes should be addressed before starting out. In this way, you know what to expect and then reach out to a tax accountant for specific answers to your questions.

Insurance questions

Liability is something you will hear and stress about more often once your business is ready to stand on its feet. You are the one responsible for the products and services your business offers to clients or customers. Due to this, you want to be sure you are safeguarded from personal liability if things do not go in your favor. Compliance with regulations that need some sort of liability insurance is necessary. Understanding the nature of the coverage needs to be done correctly. A small business formation lawyer can help your business choose the coverage you need while helping you to cut down the chances of coming across unpleasant surprises down the road.

Debt Management

In the majority of Americans, debt is a part of life. For small start-ups, debt exists even before the business starts to function. As per studies, a new start-up begins by paying at least $2000 per month to debt. Debt is real and never goes away easily. Questions, confusion and concerns arise relating to debt and this can hamper your organization’s ability to move forward. The best way to deal with debt management is to have an attorney explain all the legalities involved and get you out of problems during crisis.

Intellectual property questions

There are a group of start-up businesses where the owner will need guidance from a patent lawyer who specializes in protecting the client’s inventions. For the rest, questions may still arise regarding copyrights and trade secrets. Now that you are in the market, ready to start your business, we are sure, you have a new product and an innovative idea you have put together. Regardless of the product type, you need to ensure your company name, logo and other details are secured. Your business formation lawyer can take care of this.

Employee policies

Start-ups and small business are what drives America’s economy. As per study, organizations with less than 200 employees have made up 90% of 5.6 million employer firms in the US. Hence, it can be concluded that over 5 million businesses across the US can be defined as “small”. This means, if you are out in the market starting your business, you are likely to need employers and/or contractors. This requires planning and documentation which can be done appropriately with the help of a business formation attorney.

Contract oversight

We can bet on this that every start-up will always have a fond memory of signing their first contract with their first customer. It is an incredible feeling indeed. To always keep this as a fond memory, small businesses should ensure their contracts are drafted or at least reviewed by an experienced business attorney. Even the tiniest details matters in a contract. They have the expertise in keeping an eye on the terms and conditions. 

Dispute advocacy

Disputes are very common in the business world. We all have and will encounter one type of dispute or another. To fight such a situation, start-ups need a small business attorney to help them out of the difficult situation. In some cases, just by saying that a lawyer will represent your business can avoid the problems from occurring.

Now that we have given you valid reasons why hiring a business attorney is a good idea, read here to know things you need to ask the business attorneys in Knoxville Tn before you hire them.


Starting a new business is full of excitement and nervousness. So, focus on growing your dream rather than feeling overwhelmed with rules, regulations. Instead leave them in the safe hands of professional attorneys who can easily deal with the legal technicalities.

Volunteer Law Firm can help you focus on the interesting bit and take care of the boring stuff. If you are on the verge of launching your start-up company anytime soon, look us up and we look forward to helping you.

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